Thursday, July 21, 2011

Class Cancellation & Other Relevant Information

1. The ZumbaChemist will be out of town visiting family the last weekend in July, so there will be NO CLASS AT WORNALL ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH OR AT TURNER RECREATION COMMISSION on Saturday July 30, 2011Classes will resume the following week, and will be held, as usual, at 8:45 and 10:30am this week, July 22.

2. There will be NO CLASSES AT TRC on Tuesdays during the month of August. Tenatively, TRC will be offering Zumba® Gold classes on that day starting in September. Keep posted here and on Facebook for more updates relating to this.

3. Aqua Zumba® is scheduled to continue through August 18. If you absolutely love Aqua Zumba®, please, please let the aquatics director (Daniel) know! There is a strong chance we might be able to continue into the fall, presuming it doesn't conflict with the Turner High School schedule!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Zumba® Fitness with a Chemist in July of 2011

A quick reminder that starting next week, I will be substituting for JaCory at Gold's on Wednesdays (at 5:45pm) for the next three weeks. What this means is that if any of you regularly come to my Monday class, and then attend JaCory's class, you'll actually get a double dose of July's set of music the rest of the month.

That's great because then you'll get a bit more exposure to the music, learn the choreography better, and be able to really kick up the intensity on the songs!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Zumba® in the Summer

Greetings to students and other blog readers alike!

It's hard to believe June is almost over! That hasn't stopped the Zumba® fitness classes from occuring (with the exception of work emergencies and locking one's self out of their new home), although it does mean that the classes are a bit smaller. For any of you reading who have been shy to try a Zumba® fitness class, the summer is a perfect time to try it out as many folks head outdoors to get exercise in, leaving the gym high and dry!

Three quick announcements:
  • There are NO AQUA ZUMBA® classes the week of July 3-9th. That week will be an off-week, very much analogous to that of Memorial day week. The first July Aqua Zumba® session will start on July 11!
  • ZumbaChemist is taking a much needed break the weekend of July 4th and hopefully will get a sub to teach the Saturday morning TRC class on July 2nd. Keep tuned in here and on Facebook for further details if this class will be cancelled or not.
  • Anticipate NO ZUMBA® class on Monday, July 4th at Gold's Gym. They closed at 6pm on Memorial Day and it'll probably be about the same on July 4th!
Updates to these announcements will be made as soon as the information is available!

ZumbaChemist Goes Gold!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, ZumbaChemist is going to her Zumba Gold® license training in mid-July!

Why is this fun and exciting news?

Many folks in all of the venues I've taught at (with the exception of Aqua Zumba® for obvious reasons) have various physical movement issues. Some folks start Zumba® fitness having not done any physical activity for months or years. Some folks start Zumba® fitness after recovering from surgery. Any instructor will tell you, that's GREAT for desiring to get into shape - but as it has been previously pointed out - Zumba® fitness is a fairly high-impact cardiovascular activity. When you're recovering from a knee replacement, back surgery or you've not done physical exercise in a decade or more coming into a Zumba® fitness class can be literal torture for your body. Not only that, your doctor might not find it a great fit for you (and he or she will recommend that you walk!).

That's why Beto drew some of the best trainers in the world to help design the Zumba Gold® program. From Zumba website:

Zumba Gold targets the largest growing segment of the population: baby boomers. It takes the Zumba formula and modifies the moves and pacing to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. What stays the same are all the elements the Zumba Fitness-Party is known for: the zesty Latin music, like salsa, merengue, cumbia and reggaeton; the exhilarating, easy-to-follow moves; and the invigorating, party-like atmosphere. Active older adults want camaraderie, excitement and fitness as a regular part of their weekly schedule. Zumba Gold is the perfect fit. It’s a dance-fitness class that feels friendly, and most of all, fun.


If you've tried Zumba® fitness with the ZumbaChemist and found it to be a bit too "intense" for you - don't dismiss Zumba® until you've tried Zumba Gold® with the ZumbaChemist, coming August!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Zumba® Fitness Early June Updates

  • Aqua Zumba® has started up for the summer as of TONIGHT! Sessions are running two weeks in duration, so you're not paying for classes you can't attend if you're going out of town on vacation. I personally think that's a great deal! 
  • Zumba® Fitness classes are ON for TUESDAYS at 4:30pm at Turner Recreation Commission!  Ditch your workout and join the party with us then!
  • For this Wednesday, June 8, 2011 the ZumbaChemist will not be around to teach class at 7:15pm, however, class WILL BE HELD still, and taught by one of the great TRC subs!
  • There will be no 10:30am class at WRBC this upcoming Saturday, June 11, 2011 since the ZumbaChemist will be moving along with her husband belongings into her new home!  Classes will resume on June 18, barring any major problems!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Saturday Class Time Changes!

A reminder:

Class at Turner Recreation Commission (TRC) has been MOVED UP by 15 minutes, so classes start at 8:45am and NOT 9am!

A new announcement:

As a result of the TRC class starting earlier now, class at Wornall Road Baptist Church will begin EFFECTIVE MAY 28th at 10:30am!

Another reminder:

Aqua Zumba® will NOT be meeting next week due to the Memorial Day holiday, however, the two-week long sessions will begin on June 6th and should continue through mid-August (presuming I can work my travel schedule around class times!).

Monday, May 23, 2011

Please Vote on Aqua Zumba® Summer Sessions!

You know how they say one must "come clean" or "be honest" with themselves?

Ok, perhaps that's the wrong way to start this blog posting! :-)

But, here's the facts, the TAC aquatics director and I are trying to figure out the summer schedule for Aqua Zumba®  (YAY!!), and more to the point, he would like to have two-week long sessions, that way you're only signing up for two weeks at a time and not worried about missing a vacation, or wasting money on classes you can't attend one way or another.

Sounds good right?

Since the schedule isn't set now, he asked if I had a preference when the session starts. Now, as most of you taking Aqua Zumba®  already know that there will be an off-week next week since Monday is Memorial Day.

It's been occasionally mentioned to folks after class, but my husband and I are buying a house, and closing on it on June 9th.

Right now the aquatics director is suggesting we have a session that starts on June 6th and ends June 16, with the next one starting up on June 20 and going till June 30 (just in time for the July 4th weekend and that week as an off week).

Here is where I want your input. I realize that week of June 6th will be insane for me, but I am more than willing to teach Aqua Zumba®, even on June 9th since we'll be closing on our house in the morning. If nothing else, it'll resemble something of normalcy with my schedule.

That being said, I've created a poll that's directly to the right of this entry - and I ask that anyone who plans on taking Aqua Zumba® this summer vote in the poll so I have an better idea if one or two weeks off will be OK with students!

If we have a several week break (start up on June 13 or even June 20), you can be sure I will be practicing new Aqua Zumba® songs for class, especially since our home-to-be has a pool!

Thank you for all of your feedback and I look forward to finishing out this session with everyone this week!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Going "Old School" For Aqua Zumba®

An excerpt from the note sent to me by the TAC aquatic director today:

"There is a part that is being ordered for the sound system so nothing else I can do with that at the moment. Hopefully it is repaired soon but, unfortunately, there isn't much else I can do..."

So, it was in fact the stereo that was causing our music to skip last night, and not the CD. As well, not noted above, but the Turner district recently changed their heating/cooling policies such that the A/C is turned off or is minimally on in the front office/registration area. Considering this is where they house the stereo that controls the pool sound system, I'm sure the readers can quickly conclude that 80°F temperatures along with increased humidity in the area is a recipe for broken electronic equipment.

Until futher notice, I will be using the little boombox for Aqua Zumba® classes, which while it's not the loudest of the systems they have - it shouldn't skip and it shouldn't overheat either!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

News for Turner Aquatic Center Students

First, and foremost, thank you all for putting up with such a *BLAH* class today. If today wasn't a case of the Mondays with respect to Zumba® Fitness, then I don't know what really is other than forgetting my music (which I have done before!!).

To any of the new Aqua Zumba® participants reading this - I assure you that class normally is NOT what you saw today. Usually we have half of the main pool open for us, and the music is blaring loud and we're lost in our groove. About the only normal thing was me looking like a drowned rat after class was over!

Today was anything but that obviously. I'm almost 100% certain that the music was cutting out on us because they had the music up at full volume - so the stereo couldn't handle the load.

Word on the street is that this swim team is having their normal facility worked on, which is why they are borrowing TAC. The upsetting part is that I was not told about this until I walked into TAC this evening and then told you all. Even more disappointing is that these students are supposed to be at TAC on Thursdays for the foreseeable future. *sigh* 

As I would hope you'd expect from me, I will be talking to the aquatic director tomorrow about this. He's not going to be able to continue having an Aqua Zumba® class if students can't HEAR the music. I know you all who are in the Aqua class really love Aqua Zumba® - I can see it in your eyes, and the way you talk about it - it warms my heart so. Likewise, I really enjoy teaching Aqua Zumba® so I really want things to work out, but having to attempt to hear music over 40-something high school students is just impossible!

If you want to express your feelings on this matter directly to the aquatic director yourself, please contact me, and I will give you the director's contact information.

Again, thank you for bearing with me today in class. I hope that even though it wasn't the best of classes with respect to space or music that you got a good workout in!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Zumba Heart Health-A-Thon

When: Saturday, May 14 · 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Where:  Kirmayer Gym at KU Hospital
              3901 Rainbow Blvd
              Kansas City, Kansas
Cost: $15 in advance, $20 at the door - so get your tickets in advance here!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Saturday Morning Class Time Change!!

Effective IMMEDIATELY, the Saturday morning Zumba® class at Turner Recreation Commission will start at 8:45 AM!

Please be aware this is a change from the current 9am start time!!  If you get there at 9am, we'll be into the set already (so just join in and remember to set your alarms a bit earlier for next week!)!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Early May Updates & Cross Training!

1.       The Zumba Heart-a-Thon is all set up and ready for participants to start purchasing tickets. Tickets are $15 if purchased in advance! The event will be from 1-3pm on May 14th. You can click here for additional information. Unlike the last Zumbathon®, ZumbaChemist WILL be at this one, and will be leading the group in two songs (soon TBD) along with fellow KC instructors! The intention is to have the class at WRBC opt to come to the Zumbathon® (along with any other students too!) in lieu of our normal class day. While ZumbaChemist realizes $15 is not a free class, but this is not something that comes along every day either! The proceeds go to the American Heart Association, so it’s a great cause to support too.

2.       For today, there will be NO ZUMBA® CLASS at TRC at 4:30pm! My apologies to some of you gals who drop in, but unless TRC has folks sign up for the class, they do not call me in to teach (even for drop-ins). That being said – if folks do sign up this week – we can have class the rest of the month of May. I’d love for this to happen, so get thee signed up for Tuesdays at TRC!

3.       As the Gold’s class experienced yesterday and the TRC classes will get on Wednesday and Saturday this week, we’ve got some new song and new choreography for the month of May! A few of the songs are even new to me (as in, the song isn’t new, but the dance is!), but I have to say that my students reading this are extremely forgiving in that manner!

4.        Surprises…. Are coming… soon! Be on the lookout!

5.       Don’t forget to “Like” ZumbaChemist on Facebook! It’s updated at least once a day, if not more, so it’s a bit more “real time” than the blog here!

ZumbaChemist is a big believer in not re-inventing the wheel. After all, if someone more capable than you has already done it well, why not give them the due credit and save yourself frustration and energy? That being said, ZumbaChemist also is a believer in Cross-Training. Yes, Zumba® is fun, exciting and a great workout, but there is more to life than Zumba®! *Gasp!*   So, in case you're wondering about Cross-Training, check out this great article on the benefits of Cross-Training! As the reader will see, it focuses on Cross-Training for those who run, but the principles are readily applied to  Zumba® participants as well!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Zumba® Wear!

Just yesterday the Zumba® Shop launched the spring-summer line of Zumba® wear for Zumba® fans out there! Check out the shop link to see if there is anything you're interested in purchasing and let ZumbaChemist know!

As a FYI, some sizes in different styles sell-out quickly, so better to order sooner than later!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How to Maximize Your Zumba® Fitness Workout

The question has been posed to me recently by a couple of students as to how to maximize their Zumba® Fitness workout.

Before I go further, I am glad that folks have asked me this! Hopefully students upon reading the answer can really see where they have been falling when they have been in class.

In a previous post I had mentioned that you should go at your own pace. This still remains true, but remember that everyone's pace will differ. If you've had knee replacement surgery, your pace will probably always be a tad slower than perhaps your friend beside you who has both of their natural knees. This is strictly a mechanics issue.

What is not a mechanics issue is that as you continue as a Zumba® student, you should expect your pace to change! As with any other sport, the more you practice, the better you get.  The better you get, the more efficient your body becomes at doing the moves for each song, and the more endurance you'll build up - requiring fewer water breaks, and being able to tackle more complex choreography with ease. As an instructor, this is why I change the playlists periodically to help prevent muscle memory. 

When do I know I need to change the playlist up as an instructor? Check out the Rate of Perceived Exertion below. Ideally, I want my students in class to be at the 9 or 10 level for the higher intensity songs, with a 7 or 8 level on our lower intensity songs (such as the belly-dancing tunes).

Yes, students should be, literally, breathless during most of class. It's not a matter of torture, it's just a matter of maximizing the workout!!  As a Zumba® instructor, I want to see my students improve their fitness levels just as much as the students do. But, if you're in class, and only working out at the 4-6 level - to the point of where you can carry on a short conversation - then one of two things is occurring:
  1. As a instructor, I'm not giving students hard enough songs OR...
  2. As a student, you're not focusing on the task at hand (that is, doing the highest intensity movements possible for a given song)
Hopefully, any of my students reading this will attest that the first option is not true for the most part. If my sweat-drenched instructor body isn't evidence enough, then hopefully the couple of water breaks where I can barely talk and my barely chirping instructions on occasion will also provide sufficient evidence.

So, for those times where #1 is not true, but folks can still talk, then it really comes down to each individual having to ask themselves, "Am I giving this class all I can give to get the best possible workout?" If you can't answer that with an honest, "Yes," answer, then you need to evaluate for yourself what you need to change to maximize your Zumba® Fitness workout.  

If you can't evaluate yourself, or perhaps you don't know what you're doing "wrong" to not allow yourself to really give it all you got, then don't hesitate to come and ask your instructor!  Contrary to popular belief, ZINs like to face the mirrors so they can see their students, not themselves! Odds are, if you're not maximizing your workout, and you ask your instructor, they can tell you what to do to help give yourself that extra push to really sweat it out! As always, your instructor is there to encourage you, so remember that any "critique" is simply an attempt to help you in your fitness journey!

But, I believe there are times where #1 is true, and those are the times when the music will get a significant change-up! It's looking like May will be one of those times for the "land Zumba®" classes! So keep your eyes (and ears) peeled!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Zumba® Fitness with a Chemist is on FACEBOOK!!

Let's face it, not everyone has time to read the blog in great detail. Nor does ZumbaChemist always have time to write out a long and detailed blog for students to read!

But you have enough time to read less than 420 characters of text right? Yes! I figured that would be the case!

All that being said, go ahead and Like ZumbaChemist on Facebook! 

You'll be able to receive up-to-date status updates on your mobile phone that way, and so you'll know if something is going on that's exciting or otherwise Zumba® related!


Two other REALLY cool things!

ONE - On THIS Monday, April 25, the Zumba® office is launching it's spring and summer line of Zumba® wear! Remember that orders are being taken through the end of April, so if something cool and snazzy catches your eye on Monday, let the ZumbaChemist know!

TWO - This UPCOMING Friday is the Zumbathon® supporting the American Heart Association. Tickets are still available for this two hour Zumba® blast starting at 6pm!

Have a great Easter Sunday everyone!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quick Zumba® Updates

My apologies for not posting sooner than I have today, while my class schedule has not changed,  I have been  putting in more hours at my Chemist job since we have some deadlines that are looming!
I just wanted to briefly touch upon four things:
1.   Orders are still being taken from students until the end of April for various Zumba® wear. Remember that you won’t be paying S&H charges if you get your clothes through me rather than the website.

2.   Now is the time to sign up for the May Aqua Zumba® class at TAC! It is $30 for two times a week (Monday & Thursday evenings at 7pm). I’ve already had some choreography requests from some of the current attendees to work some more of the legs, so I’ll be working on that for the May session.

3.   I’ve had a few students in my classes recently use some cool ways to improvise their Zumba® Fitness experience for their needs. Beth, a student at Wornall Road Baptist Church on Saturday mornings at 11am (which, if I’ve not mentioned before is a FREE class and you don’t have to be a church member to attend!) has recently been using a chair for many of the songs. She’s had some back issues in the past, so the chair allows her to really be able to focus on doing more moves rather than worry about her back. She’s told me that she’s getting a heck of a core workout since doing some of the leg-lift type moves in the chair requires a lot more ab muscle involvement than she ever expected. Another student at TRC has been using the window sill in the same fashion as she has had back surgery in the past and some of the moves present  a challenge without some additional body support.
4.   The speakers at Gold's Gym seem to be back in operational order! Hurrah!
I do want to elaborate further on modifications, but in a different post!
In the meantime, don’t forget that there is a Zumbathon® coming up on April 29th! Tickets are still available at $10 each for a two hour Zumba® event to benefit the American Heart Association  (AHA)!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Aqua Zumba® Safety Reminder!

Tonight ladies, we really lucked out, as the storm that's hitting the Kansas City area tonight rolled in just as our class ended! Whew!

However, just as a reminder, per TAC policy, if lighting is spotted in the area they will evacuate the pool area. I'm fairly certain this will interrupt a class in the future (this is the midwest after all!), however, I'm sure that you all want to stay safe! 

If this does happen in the future - and it's in the middle of class - once you all are out of the pool, I'll try and make sure we do a cool down before folks depart so that you don't risk injury from suddenly going from lots of moving to no moving at all.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Zumba® Fitness at Gold's Gym: Stereo Update

A quick update after today's class with a horrible sound-system. I think fingernails on a chalk board was just a step below the quality for today's class. For anyone who is new to the class, I have no idea what happened between today and last Monday when the system was working (or as well as it ever had). I know it's not my fault, but I can't help but apologize to you all!

I talked to the owner after class and he said he's not sure what the cause of the problem is - that being said, if the problem is the speaker, there are no plans to repair it because it's too expensive.

This really disappoints me because not only does the stereo being shot highly affect the Zumba® classes conducted there by myself and the other fellow, but it also is a problem for the rest of the Group Fitness classes there too! I know Butts & Guts uses music and I suspect that most of the other aerobics classes use music too. 

I'm half tempted to buy a second-hand boombox and hook it up, or cheap computer speakers and hook up my Blackberry to it.... anything has got to better than what we had to put up with today in class! :(

Friday, April 8, 2011

More Questions Answered & Zumba® Wear

For any regular (or new) students reading this blog, you might want to mosey over to the FAQ where some new questions (and their respective answers) have been posted! If there is a question you have that the FAQ doesn't answer, feel free to email it to the ZumbaChemist, or post it as a comment to the blog posting!


Anyone who has been doing Zumba® for a while and enjoys it knows the mental conversation all too well ...

"Man, I love those Zumba® clothes!"
"I wish I had a way to show off how much I enjoy my Zumba® Fitness classes!"
"Zumba® duds are totally hot and steamy!"

If you've had the eye for Zumba® Wear  for some time, you can satisfy that urge!  Over the next few weeks, ZumbaChemist will be taking orders for Zumba® Wear  from anyone who wants to order some. One plus to ordering from the ZumbaChemist is that she can get a flat S&H rate on large orders, so you can order your Zumba® Wear  without S&H costs!

Some items that are available currently (check out for even more items to chose from!):

Zoom Zoom Raceback (Available in Black, Aqua, Pink and Purple)
Classic Cargo Pant (Available in Black, White and Aqua)
 Looking for something a bit more modest? Chic Bling Fashion Top (Available in Blue or Yellow)
And, especially helpful for Aqua Zumba, something to carry your towel and clothes home - Zoom Zoom Drawstring Backpack!

Please contact ZumbaChemist before or after a class if you're interested in ordering a product, or you have questions about clothing sizes!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Upcoming KC Zumbathon® in April!

In late April, there will be another Zumbathon® to benefit the AHA (American Heart Association), so if the May event doesn't work for you, consider coming to this one (or both if you can manage it)!

The details:

Friday, April 29, 2011
St. Stephen's Gym
1001 Bennington
Kansas City, MO 64126

Advance tickets: $10.00
At the door: $15.00

To purchase your tickets in advance click here!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mark Your Calendars: Upcoming KC Zumbathon® in May!

Local Kansas City area ZIN, Amber Smith is working organizing a Zumbathon® on May 14, 2011 at the KU Medical Center for the AHA (American Heart Association).  The time is not set, but it will probably start and span between 12pm and 3pm. More details to follow as soon as they are available.

For the WRBC students: I might consider "moving" class to this venue for the day. Mind you, it will cost some money, but it'll go to a great cause!


This UPCOMING Wednesday, April 6, there will be a Zumba Spring Fling at Midtown Athletic Club in  Overland Park, KS starting at 6:30pm. It is free, but it will overlap with the 7:15pm Wednesday TRC class, but it would be a great event for any students who only go to one Zumba class a week to get an extra workout in during the week!

Going at Your Own Pace

On any given week, there is almost always a new student in one or two classes. Especially with it being the start of April (no joke!), here are a few thoughts for any readers who are new to Zumba® Fitness!
  1. Zumba® Fitness is not a contest! Perhaps you're a student who has been around the block more than once on the weight-loss journey, and you're in a class surrounded by a bunch of youngsters? Should you compare yourself to them? No way! Even if it's been years (or decades) since you last put your foot down to exercise, by no means should you compare yourself to other participants in the class.  
  2. Please, please, please don't compare yourself to the instructor! I know that sounds odd - because you do want to follow the instructor, but if the instructor is doing something you know your body can't handle because of previous injuries or other physical issues, modify the move for your body and pace! A good instructor should help give lower impact version of each higher impact move they do in a class. As well, most instructors recognize and applaud improvisation by students! After all, it is a party, and everyone doing something a bit different gives the party character!
  3. If you're just starting out, it's OK to feel a bit off-key. After all, a music teacher shouldn't expect their students to be able to recite a song after hearing it for the first time mere minutes before - likewise, Zumba® instructors do not expect perfect choreography from a student (or class) with the first go at a song. This is especially true with Aqua Zumba®! 
  4. If the instructor is being wild and crazy, you should too! Heck, if the instructor is being fairly quiet, you can be wild and crazy anyway! (On a personal note, I know sometimes I'm more or less quiet in a class after a long day at my Chemist job, feel free to bug me on this point!)
  5. Have fun! If you leave a Zumba® Fitness class without having had a good sweat and most of all, a good time, the instructor has done something wrong. Don't be shy about approaching the instructor in such a case. 
  6. As necessary, improvise. By that I mean, by nature, some folks are rhythmically in-tune, while others (such as myself) must work hard to "get" choreography.  The most critical thing in a Zumba® class I try and convey to each new student is, no matter what, don't stop. Don't stop moving and definitely don't sit down because this stresses your body by going from maximum heart-rate to stationary without going through a proper cool down. If nothing else, just pace in place during class if you feel that class is going too fast and furious from you. I won't hold anything against you, and if nothing else, I will make sure that your Zumba® Fitness experience was OK and if there is some sort of concern you have. (More about this to come in a future post)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Zumba® Fitness FAQ

Generally I get anywhere between one and five emails a week from people inquiring about Zumba® classes.  With those emails I often get many questions regarding what to bring, what to wear and so forth. This post is intended to answer those questions, and perhaps some that you might not have thought about before! Note: I will probably add to this periodically and as new questions arise, so please check back occasionally for new Q&As!

Question: What types of clothes should I wear to a Zumba® Fitness class?
Answer: Comfortable workout clothes you do NOT mind sweating in! Consider that you'll sweat as much if not more than you will running, so that sort of attire is appropriate. For women, a GOOD, SUPPORTIVE SPORTS BRA IS A MUST! In Zumba, we shake lots of body parts, and the Cooper's Ligaments (you know, the ones that support the breasts) can experience some level of stress from the higher impact moves done during a Zumba® Fitness class.

Question: What types of clothes should I wear to a Aqua Zumba® class?
Answer: Most folks wear bathing suits of some sort (or clothing as dictated by the aquatic facility). Generally, for women, a one-piece or moderate two-piece (say a tankini) is recommended as you don't want to pull a version of a Janet Jackson move while doing a Cumbia song, right? 

Question: What types of shoes should I wear to a Zumba® Fitness class?
Answer: Unlike your clothing, your shoes are THE most important component of your Zumba® wardrobe. Proper footwear can save yourself from a whole host of physical aliments. In Aqua Zumba® proper aquatic exercise shoes are also advised. Three things to keep in mind when finding a good shoe to wear to a Zumba® Fitness (dry land) class (a more detailed post on shoe recommendations is in the works): 
  1. The ball of the foot should be fairly smooth. That is, don't wear brand new running shoes to your Zumba® Fitness class, because the traction that those shoes provide will grip the floor you're on, and prohibit proper movement during moves that require more "on the toe" action - such as a hip thrust during belly-dancing moves. Most "dance studio" shoes have a "pivot point" on the ball of the foot and on the heel - this is a fairly typical design for shoes that are appropriate for Zumba® Fitness.
  2. It should have some level of lateral support. Not to pick on running shoes (they just seem to pop up frequently!), but running shoes do not provide lateral support for the foot. They are designed to provide cushioning to the foot from back to front, or in other words, they provide front and back movement support. Lateral support means that movements from side to side are supported. A good example of a shoe that has lateral support are tennis shoes. Tennis players zig-zag across the tennis court in pursuit of a ball. They come to sudden stops and starts.  Yes, they move straight like a runner too, but their shoes are designed with multiple directions in mind for foot-to-ground impact. In this way, a good studio dance shoe is also designed with lateral support for the foot.
  3. The shoe should fit well. A common sense point, don't purchase a shoe that is far too big or small and expect it to perform well for you during your Zumba® Fitness class. Both of those problems can cause more headaches than smelling paint thinner on a hot summer's day!
Question: What else should I bring to a Zumba® Fitness class?
Answer: Water, perhaps a towel if you want to wipe off excessive sweat, and of course, a sense of fun, excitement and a desire to burn some major calories! 

Question: I've done Zumba® Fitness before with Instructor X, but why is your class different?
Answer: One of the best parts of about being a Zumba® instructor is the flexibility we are permitted in our classes (which is not always true with other exercise programs). As a ZIN, I literally have access to hundreds of songs to choose from to teach in each class. Given that a 45 minute class will have nine songs (not including the warm-up and cool-down) and a 60 minute class will have 12 or 13 songs, it means that there are obviously going to be some songs that I might use for a class that Instructor X does not and vice versa. In addition to that, for a given song, Instructor X might use one set of choreography, while I use another.  A great example of that is the song "Jai Ho." I myself have a fairly elaborate belly-dancing routine to this song, and yet another instructor in the Kansas City area uses it as a warm-up song for her classes! Is one of us wrong? Absolutely not! As licensed ZINs, we have that liberty to use a song for a particular part of our class however we see fit. Obviously, we would not do choreography that is inconsistent with the Zumba® Fitness format, but we have the freedom to use the song in a manner that works for us, our flavor of teaching and our class audience

Question: I haven't exercised in years, should I still participate in a Zumba® Fitness or Aqua Zumba® class?
Answer: Short Answer - Yes! Long Answer - It would be highly recommended that, as with any physical fitness program, that you consult your doctor prior to the start of the program, to make sure that your body can physically endure going from a very sedentary lifestyle to a more active one. Since starting Zumba® myself, I've seen many women go from zero exercise to enjoying an active lifestyle thanks to Zumba® Fitness. That being said, this change was not instantaneous! It takes time to build endurance and to help develop long-atrophied muscles.

Question: Why are you not very verbal in class (compared to other fitness classes)?
Answer: As a ZIN, my understanding is that when Beto Perez (Mr. Zumba himself) developed the program, the goal was for participants to really focus on the music to get the most enjoyment out of the class. After all, Zumba® tunes are very catchy to listen to, so why bother having an instructor blurt out instructions when really all of the instruction is based off the changes in the music (that is, the transition from verses to chorus to bridges, etc.)? ZumbaChemist tends to be a bit more verbal than many other instructors, but that's an artifact of her "Chemistry" traits. In an Aqua Zumba® environment, even the ZumbaChemist is fairly non-verbal, but this is out of the nature of the pool-area. It's very difficult for participants to hear in the pool someone talking from the deck, along with the booming, echoing music, making verbal cues nearly useless. 

Question: You're not doing a proper ballroom-style [insert dance] step, how can you call it that?
Answer:  Zumba® Fitness is called that for this very reason!  Beto used traditional Latin-American tunes in his "blooper" aerobics class that started Zumba®. The key idea here is that it is a Latin-American inspired dance party! Yes, we do steps in class that we call a Salsa, or Samba, or Cumbia step, but do not look precisely like a ballroom Salsa, Samba or Cumbia step. They have been modified for fitness purposes. Personally, the ZumbaChemist does not recommend that you go to a Salsa club and bust a move there with your Zumba® choreography, but you might look coordinated at a non-Salsa club too!

If you have another question you'd like to see answered on this FAQ, please leave a comment or contact ZumbaChemist directly!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When Can I Participate in Zumba® Fitness with a Chemist?

Since this is a resource for all of my students at every venue, I wanted to put down my schedule for anyone who wanted to definite get more than one workout a week in!

If any of you reading this are from the Gold's Gym class, you will note that I'm not teaching Wednesdays (or at least have it down on the schedule currently). The owner has informed me he is  having a different instructor teach on Wednesdays. Obviously, not my choice, but I'm also not the owner either!

If you find out about my classes through this blog, please let me know when you come to a class! You can always email before the class for further details!

  • Gold's Gym - Free if you're a member
  • TRC - $5 per class ($20 per month) or you can get a 10-class punch card for $50
  • TAC - $30 for 8 classes (per month)
  • WRBC - FREE!!!

PLEASE NOTE: The Aqua Zumba® classes will START on April 4, 2011!

Class Type





5:45 - 6:30pm

Gold's Gym (Westport)


7:00 - 8:00pm

Turner Aquatic Center


4:30 - 5:30pm

Turner Recreation Commission


7:15 - 8:15pm

Turner Recreation Commission


7:00 - 8:00pm

Turner Aquatic Center


8:45 - 9:45am

Turner Recreation Commission


10:30 - 11:30am

Wornall Road Baptist Church

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Local March Zumba® Events for Kansas City Residents!

For Kansas City Zumba® enthusiasts, there are TWO events this upcoming last weekend in March!

Happy Hour Zumba!!!
When: Friday, March 25 at 5:30pm

Location: Woodside Health & Tennis Club Cost: Free for Members (allowed to bring up to two guests); $5 admission fee for non-members
RSVP: Click the link above, and reply by Facebook (bring the $5 with you if you're not a member)

Zumba Madness Dance Party 
When: Saturday, March 26 at 6:00pm

Location: The College Basketball Experience at Sprint Center
Cost: Click here to register early for $15; else, tickets are $20 at the door

I intend to attend the Happy Hour Zumba!! event on Friday, and I would love to attend Saturday's event too, However, I will be en route that evening to Joplin, MO as early on Sunday morning I will be training with the internationally known Tony Witt to receive my license to teach Aqua Zumba®!

Got questions? Contact ZumbaChemist and I can put you in contact with the right people about each respective event!

Zumba® Fitness ... with a Chemist?

Every great superhero has an alternative persona which is otherwise a mild-mannered citizen of his or her country.
  •  Under the sticky cobwebs, Spiderman's true self, Peter Parker was a hardly socialized nerd with poor verbal articulation, and a keen knack for physics
  •  Batman's dashing, effluent, extroverted Bruce Wayne always gave way to the secretive Batman who could never really hold down a relationship with a woman. 
  •  Selina Kyle's sterile, lonely and boring life gets frisky when she emerges as Catwoman during her escapades in Gotham City.
  •  Superman, for as virile, sturdy, loyal he is, is shy, humble and anything but coordinated as mild-mannered Clark Kent.

If I had a superhero description, it would probably read as: 
"Ph.D Chemist by day, Zumba® Fitness instructor by night, our heroine strives to improve the lives of many through good chemistry and teaching Zumba® classes!"
As I tell many of my students, I am living proof that anyone participate in Zumba® Fitness. I am naturally uncoordinated nerd. But, I am perfectionist, and I love to learn and share knowledge, which benefits my students because teaching Zumba® classes is fun

Yet, in the theme with looking at our superheros above, we see that you do not have to be someone special to make an impact on the lives of others. You do not have to be an Olympic athlete to get fit and stay in shape. Very much in the same way, you do not have to be coordinated or a professional dancer to participate in a Zumba® Fitness class!

So, if you're asking yourself, Zumba® Fitness ... with a Chemist? Then just repeat after me:
Zumba® Fitness with a Chemist!