Monday, April 11, 2011

Zumba® Fitness at Gold's Gym: Stereo Update

A quick update after today's class with a horrible sound-system. I think fingernails on a chalk board was just a step below the quality for today's class. For anyone who is new to the class, I have no idea what happened between today and last Monday when the system was working (or as well as it ever had). I know it's not my fault, but I can't help but apologize to you all!

I talked to the owner after class and he said he's not sure what the cause of the problem is - that being said, if the problem is the speaker, there are no plans to repair it because it's too expensive.

This really disappoints me because not only does the stereo being shot highly affect the Zumba® classes conducted there by myself and the other fellow, but it also is a problem for the rest of the Group Fitness classes there too! I know Butts & Guts uses music and I suspect that most of the other aerobics classes use music too. 

I'm half tempted to buy a second-hand boombox and hook it up, or cheap computer speakers and hook up my Blackberry to it.... anything has got to better than what we had to put up with today in class! :(

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