Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quick Zumba® Updates

My apologies for not posting sooner than I have today, while my class schedule has not changed,  I have been  putting in more hours at my Chemist job since we have some deadlines that are looming!
I just wanted to briefly touch upon four things:
1.   Orders are still being taken from students until the end of April for various Zumba® wear. Remember that you won’t be paying S&H charges if you get your clothes through me rather than the website.

2.   Now is the time to sign up for the May Aqua Zumba® class at TAC! It is $30 for two times a week (Monday & Thursday evenings at 7pm). I’ve already had some choreography requests from some of the current attendees to work some more of the legs, so I’ll be working on that for the May session.

3.   I’ve had a few students in my classes recently use some cool ways to improvise their Zumba® Fitness experience for their needs. Beth, a student at Wornall Road Baptist Church on Saturday mornings at 11am (which, if I’ve not mentioned before is a FREE class and you don’t have to be a church member to attend!) has recently been using a chair for many of the songs. She’s had some back issues in the past, so the chair allows her to really be able to focus on doing more moves rather than worry about her back. She’s told me that she’s getting a heck of a core workout since doing some of the leg-lift type moves in the chair requires a lot more ab muscle involvement than she ever expected. Another student at TRC has been using the window sill in the same fashion as she has had back surgery in the past and some of the moves present  a challenge without some additional body support.
4.   The speakers at Gold's Gym seem to be back in operational order! Hurrah!
I do want to elaborate further on modifications, but in a different post!
In the meantime, don’t forget that there is a Zumbathon® coming up on April 29th! Tickets are still available at $10 each for a two hour Zumba® event to benefit the American Heart Association  (AHA)!

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